“The first challenge is that AI concerns not only the privacy and security of personal data, but also cybersecurity and intellectual property,” said Nindhitya Nurmalitasari during a discussion held by UNDP Indonesia in Jakarta.
The second challenge is assessing the maturity of AI usage within the community, she noted.
Currently, Indonesia refers to the “National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence (Stranas KA) for 2020–2045”, issued by the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), to navigate the use of AI.
Indonesia is still in the technology adoption stage and is seeking to make digital connectivity more inclusive. This means that the nation’s capabilities in AI are not yet mature or sufficiently developed, she explained.
“While the United States and the European Union have strict laws on AI, we need to assess whether this approach is suitable for Indonesia, given that we are at the technology adoption stage to promote digital inclusion,” she clarified.
She emphasized the need for more coordination, discussions, and recommendations involving stakeholders to address these challenges.
However, the government will not stand still and take the massive development of AI for granted, Nurmalitasari added.
Through the Stranas KA for 2020–2045, the government has intensified digital literacy programs for the public, enabling them to adopt AI and use it positively in their daily lives.
Although there is not yet a specific regulation that governs AI, certain provisions related to AI can be found in the Personal Data Protection Law (PDP Law).
“Even though AI is not fully covered, the PDP Law contains some relevant provisions that can serve as a starting point for AI governance in managing public data,” she explained.
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