Author: Admin

The Indonesian Finance Ministry is planning to disburse 95 trillion Rp (6.32 billion USD) in budget funds to support national food security in 2023. People buy food at a market in Aceh province of Indonesia. (Photo: AFP/VNA) Jakarta (VNA) – The Indonesian Finance Ministry is planning to disburse 95 trillion Rp (6.32 billion USD) in budget funds to support national food security in 2023. “In the field of food security, we will set aside 95 trillion Rp to encourage food access and quality,” Director General of Budget at the Finance Ministry Isa Rachmatawarta informed at a working meeting with the Budget…

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Thinking about visiting Indonesia on a diving holiday? Then make sure you come and listen to the sage advice of Indonesia dive travel guru Danny Charlton at the GO Diving Show ANZ in September. Danny will be on the ANZ / Inspiration Stage offering plenty of useful hints and advice on visiting this wonderful country, which is home to some of the best diving on the planet. Danny holds a BS in Tourism Studies and worked in corporate America for several years before venturing to Indonesia. A one-year contract evolved into meeting and marrying Angelique and a permanent expatriate life.…

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The International Congress of Actuaries is a conference held every four years under the auspices of the International Actuarial Association (IAA) and the actuary association in the host country. The 31st International Actuary Conference (ICA) took place in Berlin, Germany, from June 4 – 8. With nearly 2,000 actuaries, academics, and representatives of international insurance companies, the financial industry, government and related institutions in attendance, the ICA is the leading international conference for actuarial science and mathematical finance. Insurance experts and policymakers gave presentations on actuarial and financial issues as well as discussed future plans for the development of the…

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Global cobalt production is expected to rise for the fourth time in a row, to 231.5 kilotonnes (kt) in 2024, an increase of 6.5% over 2022. Increased supply from the DRC and Indonesia will primarily support the growth in 2024. Meanwhile, growing interest in cobalt, combined with government and private sector investment to meet rising demand, increased the number of countries producing cobalt from seven in 2000 to 16 in 2023. The DRC accounted for 68.6% of global cobalt output in 2023. Although the DRC will continue to dominate the world’s cobalt supply in the coming years, its share will…

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(Jakarta) – Indonesian authorities should immediately drop politically motivated treason charges and release Papuans detained for the peaceful exercise of their rights in the Papua and West Papua provinces, Human Rights Watch said today. On August 17, 2019, a racist mob comprised of security forces and members of militant groups attacked students at a West Papuan university dormitory in the East Java city of Surabaya. Three years later, Indonesian authorities continue to subject Indigenous Papuans to racial discrimination and intimidation, arbitrary arrests, torture, extrajudicial killings, and mass forced displacement. “Indonesian security forces for decades have routinely subjected Indigenous Papuans to…

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EDITOR’S NOTE: Please be advised that this Bandung travel guide hasn’t been updated in 2024. Prices and travel guidelines may no longer be accurate so it’s important that you verify any information before proceeding. People call Bandung the “Paris of Java”. It was a nickname given to Bandung in the early 20th century, back when the city was a resort destination for wealthy Dutch colonialists. The connection isn’t as obvious today, but take a stroll along Jalan Braga and the reasons for the metaphor become more apparent. All along this charming street are preserved Art Deco buildings that harken back…

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Attachments Foreword Located along the most seismically active zone in the world, Indonesia is no stranger to disasters, in particular, extreme weather events and natural hazards. On 28 September 2018, a tsunami struck Palu and Donggala. As the deadliest disaster in Indonesia and the world last year, its lessons should not be ignored. Indonesia has demonstrated a strong commitment to disaster risk reduction over several decades, including through legislative and regulatory progress, national strategy development, early warning and risk information initiatives. The establishment of institutional and regulatory frameworks for risk reduction at the national and local level was marked by…

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Representatives from PT Len and Thales have signed an agreement on 30 May 2024, to launch a joint venture that will take Indonesia’s defence capabilities to the next level by reinforcing joint local industrial activities in manufacturing, engineering and services. The multi-national defence group Thales and Indonesian defence supplier PT Len have established a joint venture that will advance the archipelago’s defence capabilities. The agreement is designed to strengthen local industrial activities in manufacturing, engineering and other services to reinforce the country’s ‘Made-in-Indonesia’ strategy, thereby enhancing sovereign defence capabilities. A Centre of Excellence will be established, the first of its…

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I am optimistic of smooth synergy and harmonization in the implementation of the GHSP project along with other projects at the Ministry of Agriculture while ensuring good administrative aspects in planning, implementing, and reporting according to reJakarta (ANTARA) – The Indonesian Agriculture Ministry, in cooperation with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), through the Emergency Center for Transboundary Animal Diseases (FAO ECTAD), launched a Global Health Security Programme (GHSP) targeted at averting future pandemics.During the launch event held virtually on Tuesday, Secretary-General of the Ministry of Agriculture Kasdi Subagyono was upbeat about the program running in sync and harmony with…

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For free real time breaking news alerts sent straight to your inbox sign up to our breaking news emailsSign up to our free breaking news emails The Eid al-Fitr holiday marking the end of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan was celebrated by Muslims on Wednesday with family reunions, new clothes and sweet treats.In Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim nation, nearly three-quarters of the population were traveling for the annual homecoming known locally as “mudik” that is always welcomed with excitement.“Mudik is not just an annual ritual or tradition for us,” said civil servant Ridho Alfian, who lives in…

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