Author: Admin

Indonesia has amended its legislation on Electronic Information and Transactions (ITE) to institute digital ID for authentication and access to government services. Tempo details in a report that the move is part of the second amendment of the law and seeks to limit infringements on personal data in accordance with provisions of the country’s Personal Data Protection Law. Data violation incidents are frequently reported in Indonesia, despite the country having Personal Data Protection legislation. Semuel Abrijani, director general of informatics applications in the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo), explained the advantages of the digital ID and how it can…

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ata breaches still haunt the country even after the government enacted the privacy law last year, with the latest alleged breach causing disruption to the services provided by the country’s largest sharia bank.In a screenshot posted on Twitter on Saturday, Dark Tracer, an intelligence platform that monitors malicious activities in cyberspace, revealed that a hacker group known as the LockBit ransomware had claimed to have stolen 1.5 terabytes of data managed by state-owned Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI). The hacker group, which uses malicious software LockBit 3.0 that blocks user access to computer systems, claimed to hold BSI’s data, including its…

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July 3, 2024Information hallMalware / Threat Intelligence The product update server of an unnamed South Korean enterprise resource planning (ERP) vendor was found to have been compromised to provide a Go-based backdoor dubbed Xctdoor. AhnLab Security Intelligence Center (ASEC), which identified did not attribute the May 2024 attack to a known threat or group, but noted that tactics overlapped with Andariela subcluster of the infamous Lazarus group. The similarity stems from the previous use by a North Korean adversary of an ERP solution to distribute malware such as HotCroissant, identical Rifdor – in 2017 by inserting a malicious procedure into…

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PETALING JAYA: The ASEAN Football Federation (AFF) will implement Video Assistant Referee (VAR) technology in their upcoming competitions after successfully introducing it in the recently concluded Under-16 boys’ championship in Solo, Indonesia. AFF will progressively introduce VAR in their other competitions beginning with the Under-19 boys tournament from July 17-19 followed by the Club Championship Shopee Cup 2024-25 from Aug 21, 2024 to May 21, 2025 and the Mitsubishi Electric Cup later in the year from Nov 23-Dec 21 23. “The AFF believe VAR is reshaping football and has become one of the most pivotal building blocks that will raise…

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Australia and Indonesia have completed a coordinated international maritime security operation to detect, deter and combat illegal activities at sea.Between 8 and 17 May 2024, Australian and Indonesian agencies undertook Operation GANNET within the Timor Sea Area of Operations, which includes waters around Ashmore Island.The operation comprised vessels, aircraft and personnel from the Indonesian Maritime Security Agency (BAKAMLA), Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Republic of Indonesia (PSDKP), Australian Border Force’s Maritime Border Command (MBC), and the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA).Of note, 36 illegal foreign fishers were detained during the operation and transferred at sea to the combined custody…

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Authors: Tuhu Nugraha and Raine Renaldi* In the first part of this article, we identified various digital risks associated with the implementation of smart cities in developing countries. These risks include cybersecurity vulnerabilities, threats to data privacy, widening digital divides, dependence on foreign technology, and unforeseen social and economic impacts. In this second part, we will discuss strategies to mitigate these risks, ensuring that smart cities can achieve their desired benefits while minimizing potential negative impacts. Risk mitigation is crucial because, without proper preventive measures, these risks can hinder the development of smart cities and result in significant losses. Cybersecurity…

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he widespread adoption of information and communication technology (ICT) in many sectors has made cybersecurity a pressing concern for many stakeholders, both in the private and public sectors. This is particularly true for critical infrastructure systems, such as power grids, healthcare services and financial institutions.In recent years, Indonesia’s critical infrastructure systems have been targeted by a wide range of cyberthreats that usually aim to gain control of and deny access to critical systems, or to encrypt, delete or steal important data in the systems. These attacks can cause financial losses to the country’s economy and disrupt essential services. From 2017…

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A ransomware cybercriminal group Lockbit 3.0 claimed on Saturday (14/5) that they have acquired 1.5 terabytes of data from PT Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI). This massive breach comprises of sensitive personal information belonging to a staggering 15 million customers and staff members of the bank. This personal information data includes phone numbers, addresses, names, document information, account numbers, card numbers, and transactions. It also included financial documents, legal paperwork, non-disclosure agreement (NDA) contracts, and passwords for both internal and external bank services. Following the unsuccessful 72-hour deadline for BSI management to resolve this issue, Lockbit 3.0 is suspected to have…

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July 3, 2024Information hallCyber ​​attack / malware Cybersecurity researchers discovered an attack campaign targeting various Israeli organizations with public frameworks such as Donut and Sliver. The company, which is said to be highly targeted at its core, “uses targeted WordPress infrastructure and custom websites as a payload delivery engine, but targets various entities in unrelated verticals and relies on well-known open source malware” , HarfangLab said in last week’s report. A French company tracks activity called “As Supposedly a Grasshopper.” This is a link to an attacker-controlled server (“auth.economy-gov-il(.)com/SUPPOSED_GRASSHOPPER.bin”) to which the first-stage downloader connects. Written in Nim, this loader…

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This week’s focus  Pinduoduo-owned Temu faces possible regulatory challenges in Indonesia as it plans to enter the country with its direct-to-consumer sales model, conflicting with local laws requiring an intermediary. Isy Karim, director general of domestic trade, stated that Temu has not yet applied for an e-commerce license. Local officials are concerned about the impact on jobs and consumer prices, with the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce fearing price drops due to the lack of intermediaries. Temu, which launched in the US in September 2022 and operates in over 70 markets, recently expanded into Southeast Asia, including the Philippines and Malaysia.…

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