Author: Admin

Application Security , Breach Notification , COVID-19 Millions of Indonesian Residents, Including President Widodo, Affected Soumik Ghosh • September 7, 2021     A screenshot of a COVID-19 vaccination certificate, allegedly belonging to Indonesian president Joko Widodo. (Source: Swiss researcher Marc Ruef’s tweet) The personal data of at least 1.3 million Indonesian residents, stored on two government-developed COVID-19 tracking apps, PeduliLindungi and eHAC, has been leaked online, according to security researchers. President Joko Widodo is among those affected. See Also: Splunk Named a 10-Time Leader in Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for SIEM On Friday, PeduliLindungi became the second COVID-19 tracking…

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June 28, 2024Information hallSoftware Security / DevOps GitLab released security updates to address 14 security flaws, including one critical vulnerability that could be exploited to trigger continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines from any user. Vulnerabilities affecting GitLab Community Edition (CE) and Enterprise Edition (EE) have been addressed in versions 17.1.1, 17.0.3, and 16.11.5. The most serious of vulnerabilities CVE-2024-5655 (CVSS score: 9.6), which could allow an attacker to run a pipeline on behalf of another user under certain circumstances. This affects the following CE and EE versions – 17.1 to 17.1.1 17.0 to 17.0.3 and 15.8 to 16.11.5…

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(July 4): An official of Indonesia’s information technology ministry resigned as the government continues an audit of its data centres in the wake of the nation’s worst cyberattack. Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan, director-general for applications and information at the Communications and Information Technology Ministry, stepped down on Thursday, following last month’s massive hack that crippled government services from airports to scholarships. Pangerapan said he was “morally responsible”. The attack hit more than 280 agencies — most of whom saw their data wiped out. The hacker group that claimed responsibility has since unexpectedly apologised and released a key for unlocking the stolen…

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An expansive range of highly invasive spyware and surveillance products are being imported and deployed in Indonesia, Amnesty International’s Security Lab said today as it released a new briefing in collaboration with media partners – Haaretz, Inside Story, Tempo, WAV research collective and Woz. Through open-source intelligence, including commercial trade databases and spyware infrastructure mapping, the Security Lab found evidence of sales and deployment of highly invasive spyware and other surveillance technologies to companies and state agencies in Indonesia between 2017 and 2023. The entities include the Indonesian National Police (Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia) and the National Cyber and Crypto…

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A ransomware attack on Indonesia’s national data center has disrupted official government services. The attack has reportedly affected more than 200 government agencies at national and regional levels, and the threat actors claiming responsibility have demanded a ransom of $8 million for a restoration of these systems. A senior official has reported that the government has refused to pay the ransom, instead focusing on restoring services and trying to identify the attackers. Authorities Have Detected Samples of LockBit 3.0 Ransomware Samuel Abrijani Pangerapan, director general of informatics applications at the Communications and Informatics Ministry, confirmed that essential services like immigration…

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2019 saw a major global tussle come into view over the regulation of cross-border data transfers, with a number of emerging economies taking measures to exercise greater sovereign control over their data. Contention on this issue is a product of a desire among emerging economies to push back against exploitative economic systems adopted by U.S.-based technology companies and mend a cumbersome process for law enforcement agencies seeking to access data stored in the United States. A key strategy adopted by these countries has been data localization mandates — a range of measures providing for mandatory storage or processing of data…

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Perpetrators of disinformation, a danger to democracy—these have been the choice words to describe Facebook amid the global battle against disinformation. But while the social media giant run by Mark Zuckerberg may have fallen out of grace among digital rights advocates, one Indonesian scholar describes Zuckerberg differently: a “prophet” presenting a gift from the gods. This renowned scholar, who has taught at an Indonesian university for over 20 years and has recently gained notoriety as a pro-government social media influencer, frames the existence of social media akin to a religious experience: “It’s like God descended and said, “Here, this is…

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June 28, 2024Information hallCyber ​​espionage / Cyber ​​attack A North Korean-linked threat actor known as Kimsuki has been linked to the use of a new malicious Google Chrome extension designed to steal sensitive information as part of ongoing intelligence-gathering efforts. Zscaler ThreatLabz which is observed in early March 2024, the extension was codenamed TRANSLATEXT, highlighting its ability to collect email addresses, usernames, passwords, cookies, and browser screenshots. The targeted campaign is believed to have been directed against South Korean academics, particularly those involved in North Korean political affairs. Kimsuki is a a famous hacking team from North Korea, which is…

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India and Indonesia on Friday agreed to enhance collaboration in areas of defence industry, maritime security and multilateral cooperation at the seventh India-Indonesia Joint Defence Cooperation Committee meeting held in New Delhi. It was chaired by Defence Secretary Giridhar Aramane and Secretary-General of Indonesia’s Ministry of Defence Air Marshal Donny Ermawan Taufanto.During the meeting, both sides expressed satisfaction at the expanding scope of defence cooperation between the two countries. The progress made on various bilateral initiatives deliberated in meetings of working groups on defence cooperation and defence industries cooperation was also reviewed by the co-chairs, a Defence Ministry statement said.Also…

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JAKARTA – As immigration clearance, passport application and other government services in Indonesia are restored after a national data breach, experts warn that the country’s reputation will take huge hits if such incidents keep happening. Frustrated passengers at airports and ferry terminals across the 17,000-island archipelago have had to bear with hours-long queues since June 20 as officers took down their details using pen and paper. Reports in the media and on social media over the weekend said services appeared to be returning gradually. On June 24, state news agency Antara quoted Indonesian Communications Minister Budi Arie Setiadi as saying that…

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