Okta serves as a cornerstone of identity and security control for organizations around the world. However, this fame has made it the main goal for cybercriminals seeking access to valuable corporate identities, applications and sensitive data.
While OKTA provides reliable security features and recommended best practices, maintaining proper security control requires constant vigilance. Drift configuration, identity distribution and incorrect configurations can provide the attackers the way to OKTA and other applications if left without control.
This article covers four key ways of NUDGE security can help you actively Safe Oct As part of your efforts to harden the person’s personnel.
1. Monitoring the continuous configuration
Even if you have included all the relatives of the safety in the act and adhered to their guidelines for the best security practices, the configuration drift may occur over time.
As part of its comprehensive Management of the safety safety Saas Opportunities, NUDGE safety constantly monitors your OKTA environment and warns you if you have moved away from the best security practices or if your family security features are not included. You will be warned to set up risks eg:
- Excessive life
- Functionality detection of threats of a disabled
- Missing Settings Detection of behavior
- Functional Understanding the threat of disabled
2. Identify the risk of identity
As the roles and responsibilities change and users join and leave the organization, you can get forgotten credentials and users with the privileges of the administrator who are no longer suitable. Nudge Security is constantly scanning these risks and informs you about the conclusions like:
- Inactive Privileged Accounts
- Administrator credentials with weak or missing Foreign Affairs
- Administrator is growing
- Former staff with prolonged access
- Inactive accounts and those that have never logged in
3. Make sure in safe access to Okta
Given the important OKTA role in providing access to business -critical systems, attackers know that if they can access Okta, they can often get into other valuable systems. Sudge Security helps maintain proper security safety Okta constantly:
- Make sure the Foreign Ministry is required to enroll
- Performing strong password policy
- Opening Oauth and API grants that provide access to OKTA
- Finding entrances in multiple Okta users from one device
4. Ordered recovery
The only thing that can be reported about safety gaps, but one more to make sure they will be resolved. And priorities are crucial in order for the most significant risks to be mitigated first. When identifying security questions, Nudge safety not only raises alerts – this allows you to effectively resolve:
- Priority of the at -risk conclusions
- A detailed context and recommended actions for each finding
- Automated recovery work processes that attract relevant stakeholders
- Tracking progress on restoration efforts
Make the next step
Providing the Okta environment requires constant attention and active management. By implementing Best Okta Security PracticeOrganizations can better protect their critical identity infrastructure and reduce the risk of security incidents.
Nudge Security provides a constant monitoring, automated detection and orderly recovery capabilities needed to maintain a strong security post for OKTA and other SAAS Critical Applications.
Start free 14-day trial there.