Questions still remain as to whether new president Joko Widodo will be able to secure the support of the parliament to push forward the ambitious plans he proposed as part of his election campaign.
Education and training, skills shortages and retention of talent also feature heavily on the risk radars of Indonesia’s risk professionals, together with regulatory change and challenging economic conditions.
This report is produced with the support of Zurich, and with the assistance of the Pan-Asia Risk and Insurance Management Association (PARIMA). PARIMA’s aim is to strengthen and enhance the risk culture in the region
through the creation of opportunities for education and dialogue within the risk management community. It is a mission that sits comfortably with the aims of our publication and we will be working with PARIMA members in the future to bring you comprehensive coverage of Asia-Pacific’s risk landscape. Keep an eye out for future risk reports on countries such as China, South Korea and Taiwan and our pan-Asia risk report and interactive webinar towards the end of the year.