The West Papua National Liberation Army’s central command in the Papuan Highlands has made a fresh declaration of war against Indonesian military.
West Papua Liberation Army at the issuance of a declaration of war against Indonesian security forces.
Photo: Supplied
The Liberation Army is the armed wing of the Free West Papua Movement. Since forming in the early 1970s after Indonesia took control of West Papua, the army has been waging a sporadic guerilla campaign for independence with limited weaponry.
However, it’s been linked to a spate of skirmishes with Indonesian security forces in the Highlands region of Papua province in the past few months.
It claimed responsibility for the killing of an Indonesian soldier in remote Puncak Jaya regency last week.
The Army’s recently appointed Chief of Field operations, Major General Telenggen Lekkagak, has issued a new declaration about driving Indonesian forces out of Papua.
He said that as of last month, the Liberation Army had ordered a general mobilisation of all its soldiers in Papua to carry out operations against what it calls “the invaders”.
Although its membership has, in the past, been divided into various groups over West Papua’s rugged interior, a spokesman for the Army says all of its wings are now united.
The Liberation Army also wants to close the operations of foreign companies that are exploiting Papua’s resources.
Major General Telenggen specifically mentioned the oil and gas multi-national BP with its gas project in Bintuni Bay, and the US mining giant Freeport which runs the massive Grasberg gold and copper mine in Mimika.
The Freeport mine, which is one of Indonesia’s largest single sources of revenue, has long been the subject of West Papuan grievances over environmental and social impacts.
As well, Papuans have complained about not being consulted over the control of Freeport, and about not gaining any benefit from its lucrative operations.
West Papua Liberation Army at the issuance of a declaration of war against Indonesian security forces.
Photo: Supplied
Attacks by the Liberation Army on Indonesian security forces have often occurred in the area around Freeport, and have at times extended to attacks on the miner’s infrastructure and personnel.
In the declaration, Major General Telenggen says that Papua’s resources must be protected for the sake of West Papuan independence.
“As long as Indonesia occupies our homeland, the war’s resistance continues until Papuan independence becomes real,” read an English version of the Army’s declaration.
West Papua National Liberation Army statement declaring the latest stage of a military campaign for independence.
Photo: Supplied
Excerpt from the West Papua National Liberation Army’s Terms of War Regulations:
The demands of the National Command of the National Liberation Army of West Papua are the right of independence of the West Papuan people to become an independent State on the basis of the Proclamation of Independence on 1th of July 1971. It hereby requires that:
1. All foreign companies in West Papua Region must be closed, especially PT. Freeport Indonesia in Tembagapura and Oil and Gas Refinery Company in Kelamono Sele, Sorong, West Papua must close.
2. The President of Indonesia must approve the election of the right of self-determination of the people of West Papua.
3. The Indonesian Miltary and Police are required to exit West Papua before the Referendum.
4. Indonesian must welcomes international intervention and world peace of UN Peacekeeping Force entering West Papua to implement paragraphs 2 and 3 of this article.